Sport Coordinator/Person in Charge of Cricket

An enormous thank you must go to you, our coaches & parents for administrating junior cricket in Hawke’s Bay. It is very much appreciated by the Association. 

Primary and Intermediate School Cricket will start on Friday 14th & Saturday 15th February.

Final round Friday 21st of March & Saturday 22nd of March 2025.

ENTRIES CLOSE Monday 10th February 2025.

Click here for more information and to Register Online for Primary and Intermediate Schools.​​​​​​


John Walters
Community Cricket Development Manager



ALL coaches​ of players 18 years and under are required to:
1. Register in the NZC Coaches database.
2. Complete the online 'Vulnerable Persons' modules.
3. Be police vetted through NZ Cricket (valid for 3 years).
4. Be in possession of a Coaching Qualification appropriate for the level at which they are coaching.

Coaching is a great way to express your passion for cricket. It can be extremely satisfying when you can positively influence the people you are engaged with.

If you would like to know more about the NZC coaching framework or are simply unsure where to start, go to and let your school/club know that you would like to help out.

We have coaching courses coming up and more details will follow soon.


It is now mandatory for all players to be registered through New Zealand Cricket and this is done through the PlayHQ Management System.

Players can register online through your own dedicated PlayHQ School portal, saving administration time. 

HB Cricket can set this up for you in seconds and provide a link for parents to go to register there children. Please email to set this up.

The following fields are Mandatory

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. ​​​​​​​Gender
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Player Ethnicity
  7. City
  8. ​​​​​​​Post Code

If you require help with data entry please contact John Walters to receive access to your schools PlayHQ administration at We can also come out to your school to assist with this process.

Alternatively, if you are unable to find time to enter your players, please ensure that all players have filled in the Registration Form and contact Margie for collection of these forms.

All draws will also be run through the PlayHQ system, so games can also be scored through the PlayHQ system which provides results and statistics for all players.​​​​​​